Tongue-Tie, also known as “Ankyloglossia”, is a condition that is present at birth in which a tight band of tissue (the Frenum) tethers the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. This condition creates problems with breastfeeding, speech development and swallowing difficulties. When feeding is impaired, your baby can have problems with constant hunger, gaining weight and extended periods of breastfeeding. If left untreated, dental and orthodontic problems can develop as the child grows, as well as sleep apnea and sleep disordered breathing. The good news is, whether it’s a baby, older child, or an adult, tongue-tie release surgery (Frenotomy) is a very easy procedure with very little complications or pain. Typically, right after the release surgery, babies can immediately begin feeding. For older children and adults, after the tongue tie release surgery, it is very important to involve a speech or myofunctional therapist and occasionally an orthodontist to aid oral development. Often, sleep apnea is associated with tongue-tie and releasing the frenum can greatly improve sleep apnea disorders and relax the neck muscles. Dr. Leopold is uniquely trained to perform this procedure.